"Profitable" proposition. Or a million dollars to nowhere

Recently, a very resonant example of a “donate” occurred on the network.

Reddit user Pauly0x with around 70,000 followers recently made an extraordinary request to the community. In his appeal, Pauly0x asked users to make donations to his cryptocurrency account. In return, he promised "nothing". No, we are not joking. The address for donations was specified as YouGetNothing.eth.


It would seem that someone will respond to such a request... But in a very short period of time, a significant amount has accumulated on the account - 1.16 million US dollars.

The Reddit community is skeptical about this. Some users noticed that such a number of subscribers could hardly cover the entire amount of the donation. So there were doubts about the origin of the funds.

Users suggest that these voluntary donations can be used to launder dubious funds in Ethereum. The term "dirty ETH" is used to describe situations where scammers try to cover up the origin of illegal funds.


Until the situation clears up, we can only guess. More interesting news from the world of cryptocurrencies and fintech on our blog WTC exchange!